ethnic origin

美 [ˈeθnɪk ˈɔːrɪdʒɪn]英 [ˈeθnɪk ˈɒrɪdʒɪn]
  • 族裔
ethnic originethnic origin
  1. All the children will be treated equally , regardless of ethnic origin .


  2. We do not differentiate between our workers on the basis of their background or ethnic origin .


  3. What is your ethnic origin ?


  4. Waist-pit Tombs In Jing River Basin During Western Zhou Dynasty And Qin Ethnic Origin


  5. But the size of a person 's " comfort zone " varies , depending on his cultural or ethnic origin .


  6. They are about the peaceful gathering of 204 National Olympic Committees-regardless of ethnic origin , gender , religions or political system .


  7. Ethnography is not only an important literature for studying society culture of ethical region , but also a studying material for the ethnic origin .


  8. The researchers said various factors , including age , original sperm count , duration of treatment and ethnic origin , could influence the recovery rate .


  9. The ethnic origin of the Kazak is not the Wusun of the Han Dynasty .


  10. Because of the same ethnic origin , language and culture , Chinese Kazak play an important role in the Kazakh-Chinese bilateral relations .


  11. On a much longer time scale , genetic methods are being used to trace human migratory patterns and to determine biogeographical and ethnic origin .


  12. Everyone thinks I have an ethnic origin , and could be from North Africa or parts of Asia , or Italy and Spain .


  13. The basic framework is not for a written legal code , but for a narrative of ethnic origin , where the legal tradition was hided in stories .


  14. Objective To detect the mutations of Krit-1 gene that cause familial cerebral cavernous malformation ( CCM ) in the Han ethnic origin .


  15. I will not permit considerations , age , disease or disability , creed , ethnic origin , gender , race , political affiliation , social standing


  16. The first chapter introduces the cultural background of Daur fantastic tales , including the ethnic origin , ethnic name , history , religion , language , culture and so on .


  17. By discussing the story texts of Chiyou and Huangdi , the author analyzes the related narration of ethnic origin from the perspective of literary anthropology .


  18. But they provide no information for populations with different characteristics from the trial group , such as age , gender , state of health , co-treatment with other medicines and ethnic origin .


  19. The majority of them , however , still require not only caste , such as Brahman or kshatriya , but also a certain home region or ethnic origin .


  20. The influence embodies itself in the following : the strengthening of the national identity through this inheritance ; the inheritance of the ethnic origin , genealogy and name as the core content ;


  21. No State shall encourage , advocate or lend its support , through police action or otherwise , to any discrimination based on race , colour or ethnic origin by any group , institution or individual .


  22. Like all big productions , like animation ," Quebec pull " has its own " pull Quebec Chronicle ", the role of life , ethnic origin , it builds a strict fantasy world .


  23. The solution was to make all Singaporeans , regardless of their ethnic origin or beliefs , carry a bagua , an octagonal mirror said to deflect negative energy in Chinese geomancy .


  24. Dali Bai clothing is the heritage of the Dali Bai culture , clothing play the role of the family of the subject . It is the " living fossil " for recording ethnic origin .


  25. Strving toe rid the profession of bias based on race , religion , ethnic origin , gender , sexual orientation , or disability , and to rectify the effects to these biases .


  26. In this chapter will be the extension to make a comparison between Yulin and Yanan ' funeral custom , and an analysis of three aspects have had a reason for the difference from the natural environment , ethnic origin , religious belief .


  27. Some are of mixed ethnic origin and are descended from Turks , Iranians , Malays , and others , most of whom immigrated as pilgrims and reside in the Hijaz region along the Red Sea coast .


  28. On Kant 's Educational Idea and His Ethnic Cultural Origin


  29. Of the leading members of the State Council , one is of ethnic minority origin ;


  30. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race , color , gender , sexual orientation , creed , and religion , ethnic or social origin .
